Non-Invasive Lifting



Indiba is 448kHz PROIONIC® system that stimulates cells without interrupting their physiological states. This technology uses high-frequency currents that alternate between the superficial and deep layers to balance positive and negative ions among cells. The ions can travel at 10 nanometers per 1 microsecond, making for a perfect boost for their transmembrane activities. It can restore cell electrolytes faster, effectively transferring ions through cell membranes. The intercellular exchange of positive and negative ions promotes cellular repair and delays signs of aging. The regenerated cells improve skin elasticity and moisture retention. In turn, skin tightens and wrinkles smooth. It helps to lift targeted areas of the face to sculpt the contours and achieve a non-invasive facelift.





Besides cosmetically sculpting the face, Indiba features many other uses applicable to almost anyone with minimal restrictions. Hence, hospitals worldwide have also leveraged the medical utility of Indiba on the face and body.

- to sculpt the face
- to tone the body
- to reduce eye bags
- to improve sagging eyelids
- to smooth wrinkles and fine lines
- to reshape and lift saggy breasts
- to lighten pigmentation (in the areola, nipples, and private areas)
- to tighten loose skin on the arms and body
- to break down surface, subcutaneous, and visceral fat
- to lessen stretch marks and cellulite
- to diminish wrinkles on the neck
- to even out complexion and rejuvenate dull skin
- to repair regular skin, fibrotic skin, or scarred skin
- to ease edema
- to reduce cosmetic and medical scars from surgeries
- to relieve pain and inflammation









Regarding sculpting the face, Indiba boasts many distinct advantages over other high-energy treatments with similar functions:

- Customers generally experience a certain degree of pain after undergoing treatments like HIFU and Liftera. On the other hand, Indiba is entirely pain free but also reaches deeper into the muscles than other similar treatments.

- There are numbers of people who cannot use high-energy devices due to their skin or physical conditions. However, there are no such restrictions for Indiba.

- There is no downtime, allowing for more intensive sessions with shorter intervals. Besides, it does not utilize the destroy-then-rebuild method like in HIFU and Liftera, which repeatedly causes damage to the dermis layer and makes the treatment less and less effective. Some people might even maximize the energy output to a dangerous level to achieve their desired results.

- HIFU or Liftera has downtime. Hence, the results are not immediately noticeable like in Indiba. Indiba does not cause skin dryness, redness, or itches.








離子拉皮以內生熱細胞活化醫美技術, 用高頻電流在淺表及深層的轉換操作, 平衡細胞正負離子交換, 強化生物刺激並充分保全細胞的生理狀態 。正負離子以1微秒的速度達至10 納米的移動距離 - 完美促成細胞電離子跨膜運動,迅速恢復細胞電解質,有效幫助離子通過细胞膜通道進行跨膜運動,使细胞的正、負離子交换增强细胞活性,幫助细胞修復其自然機能和延緩老化。激活細胞後令皮膚彈性, 濕度得以提高, 將而令肌膚收緊, 將皺紋撫平, 可針對性地提拉面部打造理想輪廓, 達至無創拉皮的效果。





離子拉皮除了提昇面部輪廓外, 其技術用途相當廣泛, 而且幾乎任何人仕皆適用, 沒有限制, 所以除專業醫美外, 多國各大名醫院均有採用作醫療用途。一般可應用於面部及身體:

- 打造面部輪廓
- 身體塑形
- 改善眼袋
- 改善眼皮下垂
- 撫平皺紋/ 幼紋/ 動態紋
- 改善胸型/胸部下垂/胸部提昇
- 改善色素沉澱(乳暈/ 乳頭/ 私處)
- 手臂/身體鬆弛
- 分解脂肪 (表面/深層/內臟)
- 妊娠紋/橙皮紋
- 虎紋/頸紋
- 肌膚色調/ 嫩膚
- 修復肌膚/纖維化肌膚/疤痕性肌膚
- 水腫
- 手術後修復疤痕 (整形或一般術後)
- 痛症炎症









單單以打造輪廓來說, 離子拉皮與現時坊間功能類同的高能量療程比較有著很多獨有的優勢 :

- HIFU 及無針埋線等一般療程後均有痛感或骨痺的感覺, 離子拉皮則可做到過程舒適無痛感, 而且進入肌底深度比起以上高能量療程有過之而無不及。

- 有很多人仕因本身皮膚或身體問題並不適合使用高能量儀器, 離子拉皮則不在此限。

- 沒有修復期, 進行療程的密度可以更多, 且不會像HIFU 及無針埋線採用先破壞後修復的辦法在肌底重覆造成傷害將而令效果越來越低, 有部份人仕甚至需要加大輸出功率至安全線的臨界點去達到拉提目的, 得不償失。

- HIFU 及無針埋線因有一定修復期, 所以即時效果亦不及離子拉皮, 療程後亦不會有皮膚變乾繼而紅腫痕癢等問題。






How long should you wait in between treatments?
You can do this every single week.
Are there any side effects to this treatment?
無 。
Who is not a suitable candidate for this treatment?
This treatment is not suitable for individuals on any prescribed medication, with any metal or electronic implants, fillers, open wounds, lupus erythematosus, or hypertrophic scars.
孕婦,血栓性靜脈炎,有心臟起搏器 ,有傷口或燒傷皮膚 。
What type of post-treatment care is necessary?
None, and there is no downtime for this treatment.
無 。過程中不會產生任何疼痛感無修復期。
*選擇以下單項療程 (限新客戶) :