Duo Contour



Generally, devices specializing in lifting or stimulating collagen regeneration are limited to treating a single pit (sculpting lift, jaw lift, double chin, and arms or abdominal fats) or bulge (plump cheeks, temples, tear troughs, and nasolabial folds). Duo Contour penetrates the skin and fascia layer with an innovative concentrated dual-energy emission, which is efficient and fast at repairing both the pit and bulge simultaneously! An additional boost to collagen regeneration can also smoothen fine lines to restore skin elasticity and softness. The focused energy transmits to different skin depths from the treatment probe by adjusting its frequencies. Additionally, the treatment probe fits the curvature of the skin seamlessly to maximize effectiveness.Its main functions are as follows:

Repairing both the pit and bulge at once – In addition to rejuvenating the treated area, it can also dissolve fat. You can easily define and reshape your facial features to achieve your desired look.

Restoring the skin firmness– The linear ultrasound and quadrupole radiofrequency can tighten the structure between the fascia and muscle layers, allowing for a more effective and long-lasting facelift effect.

Reshaping the face – You can tighten a sagging face and highlight certain features to make your face appear smaller.












Synergy Dotting can emit two different energies simultaneously, among which MFU is fixed-point mode while 4RF is scattered circle mode. The treatment can cover most areas and provide fixed-point filling by combining the two. The thin treatment probe allows for micro-position-focused lifting and tightening, resulting in a more delicate and natural lift.



There are many treatments similar to Duo Contour on the market. The following chart lists the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment. In addition to its functionality and benefits, it is worth mentioning that its three-tier non-burnt safety certification significantly increases the safety of the treatment. Moreover, the number of sessions and duration of treatments are superior to others. Besides that, it is also considerably more comfortable than others.




一般專門處理拉提或膠原增生機種只侷限於單一針對"凹" (輪廓拉提, 下頜線提昇, 雙下巴, 手臂, 腹部脂肪等位置) 或"凸" (蘋果肌, 太陽穴, 淚溝, 法令紋等位置), 而Duo Contour 肌構重組以創新雙能量聚焦發射穿透肌膚筋膜層,高效快捷且同時做到凹凸雙修的效果, 一次療程同時達成兩種功效! 附加強效膠原增生可撫平面上幼紋, 重拾肌膚彈性及幼嫩。聚焦能量透過治療探頭以多種頻率傳達至不同皮膚深度,治療探頭設計更貼合皮膚弧度, 令療程發揮最大效用。三大功效:

凹凸雙修 - 除可針對治療位置回復飽滿豐盈之外, 更可溶解脂肪, 每個部位凹凸由您控制, 打造理想輪廓。

肌底彈弓 - 線性超聲波 + 四極射頻加強肌底承托力, 再刺激筋膜層與肌肉層間的拉力做到緊緻拉提提昇輪廓, 療程效果及持久力同時提昇 。

緊緻小顏 - 收緊鬆弛面部, 令面部線條更明顯, 營造小顏及深邃輪廓







FL 線性超聲波聚焦技術能在不傷及表皮層的情況下將能量傳達至不同深度,鎖定位置作針對性治療,當中的9mm 探頭更可到達脂肪層作重點溶脂。FL線性超聲波最大的特性莫過於它點與點之間的密度大大增強它的拉提能力, 令療程時間比以前更短, 效果更好更持久, 而且覆蓋面亦比舊式同款療程有著大大的提昇, 比以前更貼合面部輪廓更容易接觸以往接觸不到的位置,  針對大範圍輪廓調整之用。





SD 聚點拉提技術可同時輸出兩種不同能量, 其中MFU為定點模式,而4RF則為圈散模式,結合兩者能覆蓋皮膚作定點填充, 而且治療探點較細, 可作微細位置重點拉提及修飾, 更細緻地逐點雕琢輪廓。



坊間有不少與Duo Contour 近似的療程,下列圖表清楚列出一眾療程的優劣之處, 除了功能性和效果優勢外, 當中不得不提它的三重免灼安全認證, 大大增加療程安全性, 而且治療次數和時間亦比其他療程佔優, 舒適度亦因技術上進步而得到顯著提昇。


How long does it take to see results from treatments?
Generally, you should wait 4–6 weeks between treatments. However, the actual timeline is to be decided based on your condition.
建議相隔 4-6 周,須依實際狀況做臨床判斷。
Are there any side effects to this treatment?
The skin may appear red, swollen, or blistered. You might notice the pigmentation temporarily darken or scab and observe light purple spots. The colour of your blood vessels might deepen or seem reddish. Usually, all of these will disappear within 3-4 days.
Who is not a suitable candidate for this treatment?
This treatment is not suitable for pregnant women or individuals with metal or electronic implants, fillers, abdominal aortic aneurysm, open wounds, hemorrhagic coagulopathy, immune disorders, or cancer.
皮下有金屬支架、植入式電子儀器、填充劑, 開放式創傷/傷口,嚴重或囊腫形暗瘡,有凝血/免疫系統問題,糖尿病,紅斑狼瘡,濕疹,皮膚發炎,增生性疤痕,皮下有填充物等
What type of post-treatment care is necessary?
Avoid high temperature, hot water, sun exposure, fruit acid, laser treatments, saunas or the use of exfoliating products that contain fruit acid or alcohol. Please apply sunscreen before going outdoors.
避免高溫, 熱水, 曝曬, 果酸及激光療程。
*選擇以下單項療程 (限新客戶) :