
Bellasonic creates microbubbles inside the cell using an innovative dual ultrasonic technology; the cell rejuvenates through boosted metabolism and detoxification. In addition, Bellasonic retains cellular moisture, strengthening cells from within to revitalize the skin. Bellasonic can also be used before and after other high-energy treatments as a booster, which improves the efficiency of all kinds of other treatments, repair potential damages, reduce skin sensitivity, and relieve redness.

Bellasonic has better penetration when compared to HIFU. It can reach 3 cm beneath the skin's surface, facilitating a needle-free penetration of ingredients into the skin. Although various medical cosmetics treatments are on the market, most high-energy devices reduce the skin's natural defense and the ability of storing water, leading to chronic inflammation. Apart from that, it is more likely to cause sensitive skin, skin dryness or dehydration, and premature aging. Bellasonic treats damaged skin inside out at a cellular level, thus treating the symptoms above. In addition, it is very effective against inflammatory issues such as acne. Furthermore, Bellasonic can be combined with a variety of essences such as hyaluronic acid, multivitamins, amino acids, and peptides to meet the needs of different individuals to effectively formulate a series of personalized Bellasonic treatments for our customers.





*實際效果因人而異, 僅供參考

Bellasonic利用雙聲道創新技術,以高聲頻超聲波於細胞內產生活肌泡泡,微泡能有效恢復細胞體積使細胞回復飽滿,改善代謝及促使排毒,從細胞內直接改善提昇細胞水份強化細胞,繼而達至爆水嫩肌效果。在進行其他高能量療程前後使用Bellasonic 更可將療程效果發揮至極致,而且有效修復療程後對細胞的損傷,幫助舒敏降紅。

Bellasonic 有著比 HIFU 更強大的滲透力,直達皮膚底層3cm,達至無針滲透導入效果。雖然市面上有各種醫學美容療程,但大部份高能量儀器在傳遞能量的過程中會降低皮膚本身防禦和保存水份的能力,從而引發持續炎症。除此以外,更有機會導致皮膚敏感,乾燥缺水和提早老化。Bellasonic從細胞層面著手,由內而外去處理受損的肌膚,就有望可以解決以上的問題,而且對炎症問題如暗瘡等均可大大改善及消除。Bellasonic 可配合多種精華如: 透明質酸,多種維他命, 氨基酸,胜肽針對性照顧不同客人的需要,從而有效為客人制定一系列個人化的Bellasonic 療程。





*實際效果因人而異, 僅供參考

How long should you wait in between treatments?
You can go for a Bellasonic treatment every other week.
Are there any side effects to this treatment?
Who is not a suitable candidate for this treatment?
This treatment is not suitable for individuals on any prescribed medication, with any metal or electronic implants, fillers, open wounds, lupus erythematosus, or hypertrophic scars.
正在服食任何藥物,皮下有金屬支架、植入式電子儀器、填充劑, 開放式創傷/傷口,紅斑狼瘡,增生性疤痕等
What type of post-treatment care is necessary?
Avoid high temperatures, hot water, sun exposure, and fruit acid treatments.
避免高溫, 曝曬, 果酸療程。
*選擇以下單項療程 (限新客戶) :