
This device uses high-intensity ultrasonic waves to reach a 3.0 mm to 4.5 mm depth. Among all non-invasive facelift treatments, it could penetrate deepest, sending the precise energy to the subcutaneous and SMAS layers, which are only accessible otherwise through a surgical facelift. It is non-invasive, safe, and reliable. U-ONE has won numerous international and Korean awards with its patented auto-calibration function. When in use, the ultrasound probes’ characteristics fluctuate due to their surrounding skin condition and temperature. To overcome this, U-ONE emits and monitors ultrasonic energy consistently using its patented technology, the auto-calibration function.






HIFU technology emits ultrasonic waves that penetrate deep into the skin, targeting three different layers at 1.5 mm, 3 mm, and 4.5 mm without damaging the surface of the skin and the tissues around the treated area. It can achieve results comparable to that of a traditional surgical facelift.
1.5 mm – Smooth wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, tighten the skin on the neck, and reduce lines around the mouth.
3.0 mm – Stimulate collagen synthesis, restructure the collagen network, restore skin elasticity, smooth wrinkles, and improve overall complexion.
4.5 mm - Repair SMAS, tighten both the skin and muscle, and resculpt facial contours with effects comparable to those of surgical facelifts.
13 mm – The high-intensity energy penetrates a depth of 13 mm to destroy fat cells, resulting in an immediate and long-lasting fat loss.





以超聲波聚焦瞬即達至輪廓拉提效果,治療深度 3.0mm - 4.5mm,是當前非入侵性儀器治療深淺度最深的儀器,透過精準的能量傳遞到肌膚底層的纖維中膈之外,並且可直達至在拉皮手術才會治療到的 SMAS 筋膜層,無創且安全可靠,U-ONE 除獲取多項國際及韓國認可證書外,更取得自動精準功能專利,聚焦超聲波探頭操作時,因周邊皮膚深度及溫度而產生不穩定變動,U-ONE完善這種缺點,使用專利技術自動精準功能,把探頭性能隨時監控,設計穩定出色。






音波拉提採用HIFU聚焦式超音波概念,在不傷害表皮及周邊組織的前提下,將超音波能量聚焦於1.5、3.0、4.5mm 三種不同深度,達到深層、中層、淺層的同步拉提,可媲美傳統手術拉皮的效果
1.5mm 改善皺紋及細紋進一步加強改善肌膚彈性,改善頸部鬆弛,撫平嘴角皺紋及細紋,令肌膚嫩滑緊緻。
3.0mm 重組膠原蛋白刺激膠原合成,重整膠原層。緊緻及回復肌膚彈性、撫平皺紋,同時改善膚質。
4.5mm 修復重組SMAS連同肌肉皮膚一併拉緊,達到革命性的提升效果,重塑面形輪廓,效果可媲美傳統拉皮手術。
13mm 氣化脂肪組織直達皮下脂肪13mm,高溫熱力摧毀脂肪細胞。達至持久不易返彈的燒脂效果。





How long does it take to see results from treatments?
Results will show after a single session. Collagen regeneration continues after treatment, individual results may vary.
Are there any side effects to this treatment?
There is a chance of redness after the treatment. However, it usually subsides within three to four days.
Who is not a suitable candidate for this treatment?
This treatment is not suitable for individuals with metal or electronic implants, fillers, open wounds, severe or cystic acne, lupus erythematosus, eczema, skin inflammation, and hypertrophic scars.
皮下有金屬支架、植入式電子儀器、填充劑, 開放式創傷/傷口,嚴重或囊腫形暗瘡,紅斑狼瘡,濕疹,皮膚發炎,增生性疤痕等
What type of post-treatment care is necessary?
Avoid high temperatures, hot water, sun exposure, fruit acid, and laser treatments.
避免高溫, 熱水, 曝曬, 果酸及激光療程。
*選擇以下單項療程 (限新客戶) :