
Ther-Matrix is a collagen regeneration treatment stimulates fibroblasts through unique pulses to promote collagen production. The treatment breaks intramolecular hydrogen bonds with a 6 MHz alternating current to restructure collagen chains and the collagen network. Ther-Matrix is suitable for different parts of body including the face, periocular area, neck, abdomen, arm, thighs and hips. It is also effective at tightening skin and restores its volume and fullness.

The most significant advantage of Ther-Matrix is that the effect is immediate and noticeable. The entire procedure is comfort and no downtime at all. Combining this treatment with HIFU can optimize and prolong the effect of the lift on and underneath the face.






Your body starts producing less collagen as you aged, the most common skin conditions such as sagging, wrinkles, and dullness emerge. The network RF energy can hit the dermis layer to contract collagen fibres while simultaneously breaking the collagen chain to stimulate regeneration. Hence, the dermal structure is strengthened, tightening the skin and supporting the muscle to keep the skin supple.

The extra-large probe can target large areas such as the abdomen, hips, and thighs, effectively reducing stretch marks and linea nigra.





The three types of probes are 7 mm, 15 mm, and 30 mm, respectively. They are sufficient to cover all areas on the face, including delicate areas inaccessible by HIFU. Treatment options range from a shallow or small surface area to a deep and large surface area. The device contains various RF chips and probes to enable diverse combinations and the highest efficacy.



膠原再生療程最大優點為效果即時而明顯,過程舒適且無需復原時間,與HIFU 配合雙劍合辟,內外兼修可將皮膚表層及肌底拉提最佳化。












三組分別為 7mm,15mm,30mm的治療探頭可照顧面上所有部位,當中包括HIFU未能觸及的微細部份均可輕鬆達至。提供各種從非常淺或小的療程範圍至非常大或深的療程範圍。治療探頭組合配備了射頻卡及治療頭,每套組合集合了最優質的參數以達至最高的療效。


How long does it take to see results from treatments?
Results will show after one session. Collagen regeneration continues after treatment, individual results may vary.
Are there any side effects to this treatment?
There is a chance of redness after the treatment. However, it usually subsides within 3–4 days.
Who is not a suitable candidate for this treatment?
This treatment is not suitable for individuals with metal or electronic implants, fillers, open wounds, severe or cystic acne, lupus erythematosus, eczema, skin inflammation, and hypertrophic scars.
皮下有金屬支架、植入式電子儀器、填充劑, 開放式創傷/傷口,嚴重或囊腫形暗瘡,紅斑狼瘡,濕疹,皮膚發炎,增生性疤痕等
What type of post-treatment care is necessary?
Avoid high temperatures, hot water, sun exposure, fruit acid, and laser treatments.
避免高溫, 熱水, 曝曬, 果酸及激光療程。
*選擇以下單項療程 (限新客戶) :