
The INDIBA® ONA facial device combines hydrodermabrasion (double peel), electroporation, LED, and low-frequency electrotherapy to elevate your skin to a new level of health and purity. ONA is pleasure, sensations, purity, and perfection. Optimize and enhance your skin with the ONA trend.


Key Benefits

  1. Exfoliates, cleans, and removes impurities
  2. Deeply moisturizes
  3. Increases muscle tone, helping to improve facial contours
  4. Improves the overall appearance of the skin




The INDIBA® ONA facial device removes and cleans impurities via their unique hydrodermabrasion head handpiece with a vacuum pressure of 15 kPa to 80 kPa. Each solution has its own use: ON1 AHA Formula created from a blend of naturally derived alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) of natural origin results in soothing and regenerating extracts, specially designed to exfoliate, clean, and deeply care for the skin; ON2 BHA Formula designed to purify and regenerate the skin from salicylic acid (BHA), willow extract, and other soothing and regenerating active ingredients, specially designed to treat clogged pores and skin imperfections. Ideal for the T-zone; ON3 Anti-Aging Complex Formula specially designed to restore the barrier function, deeply moisturize, and illuminate the skin, thanks to a blend of hyaluronic acid, regenerating peptides, and plant extracts with anti-aging effect. The ON1, ON2 and ON3 solutions circulate radially through the singleuse treatment tips, available in small and large sizes, to customize the treatment, depending on the type of skin or area to be treated. This radial movement allows the pore to be deeply cleaned, without damaging the skin.




The electroporarion EP Handpiece increases and accelerates the penetration of the active ingredients up to 5mm deep, due to the temporary channels created by destabilizing the cell membrane, thanks to high-voltage pulses. Through this process, the biological structure and cellular function are not damaged or altered.


Different wavelengths of LED lights create a synergy with electroporation, boosting results.





The ONA Y handpiece is in a shape of a compact spheres with 360º rotation creating a low-frequency electrotherapy + massage, stimulates the facial musculature, contracting and relaxing the tissue repeatedly which could greatly improve the elasticity of the skin. It also reduces tension and improves nutrient delivery by increasing local blood circulation.






*Photos are for reference only. Individuals results may vary.

一般療程只能做到面部表層拉提, 雖然即時效果尚且令人滿意, 但很多時候不到數天便打回原形。主要原因在於肌底未能配合表層肌膚, 情況就如把蛋糕面層鋪得再好, 底層處理不當無法支撐糕體亦會導致蛋糕下塌。 INDIBA® ONA 肌底普拉提三步曲 - 深層潔淨,  高效注養光療, 最後鍛鍊面部肌底核心, 提昇肌膚緊緻度和鞏固肌底增加彈性, 效果長效顯著。

主要效果 :
- 深層清潔, 去角質
- 配合不同精華深層注養
- 提亮均衡膚色
- 提昇皮膚彈性及面部肌肉張力突顯面部輪廓
- 訓練肌底核心鞏固面部結構, 突出面部線條




INDIBA® ONA 以真空高壓放射式旋轉清潔頭配合官方特制精華溶液, 有效去除黑頭和毛孔最頑固污垢之餘且不傷皮膚,當中AHA 配方由天然來源的α-羥 基酸(AHA)混合物製成,可產生舒緩和再生提取物,專門設計用於去除角質清潔和深層; BHA則由水楊酸 (BHA) 、柳樹提取物和其他舒緩和再生活性成分組成的配方,旨在凈化和再生皮膚。專門設計用於治療毛孔堵塞和皮膚瑕疵。Anti- Aging Complex 配方則專門設計用於恢復屏障功能,深層滋潤和提亮皮膚,這要歸功於透明質酸,再生肽和具有抗衰老作用的植物提取物的混合物, 三種精華溶液通過一次性治療吸頭放射式迴圈,有小尺寸和大尺寸可供選擇,可根據要治療的皮膚類型或區域定製治療。




一般情況下精華難以滲透至皮膚深層, 精華再好亦毫無用處。INDIBA® ONA 以電穿孔技術以脈衝令細胞膜產生不穩定性, 繼而產生臨時通道,令精華活性成分可加速滲透深入皮膚深處, 而且過程中令成份再提華效果再提昇! 細胞膜臨時通道會於短時間內關上, 過程不傷皮膚!


配合不同波長的光譜, 加上高壓脈衝產生協同作用,可達至想不到的不同效果相得益彰, 效果更持久顯著!






INDIBA® ONA 肌底普拉提獨有螺旋球體治療頭全方位旋轉, 有序地放出低頻電不斷刺激面部肌底組織, 令肌底反覆收縮放鬆, 以模擬肌肉運動形式增強肌膚彈性及鞏固肌底核心承托力, 回復年輕時肌底狀態! 過程中增加局部血液循環可改善營養輸送從而令肌膚供養功能得到莫大改善。





*實際效果因人而異, 僅供參考

How long should you wait in between treatments?
You can do this every single week.
Are there any side effects to this treatment?
The skin may appear red, swollen, or blistered. You might notice the pigmentation temporarily darken or scab and observe light purple spots. The colour of your blood vessels might deepen or seem reddish. Usually, all of these will disappear within 3-4 days.
Who is not a suitable candidate for this treatment?
This treatment is not suitable for individuals on any prescribed medication, with any metal or electronic implants, fillers, open wounds, lupus erythematosus, or hypertrophic scars.
孕婦,血栓性靜脈炎,有心臟起搏器 ,有傷口或燒傷皮膚 。
What type of post-treatment care is necessary?
None, and there is no downtime for this treatment.
無 。過程中不會產生任何疼痛感無修復期。
*選擇以下單項療程 (限新客戶) :